From the Director’s Desk…The Tortoise and the Hare
The age-old story of the Tortoise and the Hare… By now you have most likely heard the story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare is confident of winning the race, so he stops, rests, and does silly things along the way. At the same time, the tortoise is slow and steady. The hare

On the move…Follow the STARs pt 1.
The Stars Shine Bright… When a race director first lays plans to have a race, they truly hope the people will come. Questions run through their head much like a runner runs laps racing the 5000M on a track. After the first iteration of the event, a true test of measure is who returns. And

We are one month into the new year already. The adage of “time flies” is very true. If your schedule is anything like mine, it is often hard to fit everything you want to do into one day. We have work, family, exercise, committees, kids’ activities and our own hobbies. How is it possible to

On the move: Adventures with Jill
Introducing me: Hello! I’m Jill! Assistant Race Director by day, mom all the time, and forever on the move. I have two teenagers involved in sports, extracurriculars, music, and everything social. We have a Black Lab who NEVER stops talking. I am a fiercely loyal friend. Something I am not: a life-long runner. That journey

Words to run by…
From the Director’s Desk: Happy New Year! We are two weeks in to our resolutions (if you make them). Personally, I have always been a goal setter-adding, evaluating, revising all year long. Sometimes, I succeed. Other times, I let go. This year we have team goals for the Air Force Marathon, and I have separate

Visualization Techniques Can Lead to Success
Visualization Techniques Can Lead to Success Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC What are visualization techniques? These are mindfulness techniques that help you focus on something specific, such as, your upcoming race or goal you want to achieve. As you visualize begin holding visions and thoughts in your mind, imagining your

A Strong Runners’ Mindset
A Strong Runners’ Mindset Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC Mindset is the driving force in the pursuit for success and achievement. A mindset that combines discipline, strength, confidence, and ambition is a powerful mindset. This can help motivate and drive you in achieving anything your mind sets its sights on.

Listening to your body!
Listening to your body! Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC What does it mean to listen to your body? It means being in tune with how you feel on any given day. This can mean noticing your breathing pattern, feeling fatigue, your mindset, or maybe your legs feel tired. The body

Can Stress Affect A Runner’s Performance?
Can stress affect a runner’s performance? Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC Exercise has been shown to increase your overall health and sense of well-being. It can also help relieve stress and have great benefits. Physical activity, such as, running can help increase your endorphin production, which is our brain’s feel-good

Can sleep deprivation prolong post-run recovery?
Can sleep deprivation prolong post-run recovery? Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC Many people boast about the little sleep they run on each day. For runners, not receiving an adequate amount of sleep, can hinder their post-run recovery. Why is this? During a long run or hard workout, your muscles

Meet the Team: Matthew Crooker Hello everyone! My name is Matthew Crooker and I am the Operations Manager for the Air Force Marathon and the Space Force T-Minus 10-Miler. I started in August 2021, and I am the newest member of this wonderful team! I want to dedicate my career to public service, and there’s