From the Director’s Desk
Choose Happy. Often times, the greatest experiences are the ones most difficult to put into words. Every time I finish a long-distance race, I take time to reflect and embrace the journey. As I shared back in May, I set out to complete a half marathon in August, the last one for me having been

Winning is an Attitude
Starting Over: Starting over again can be really daunting in any task, whether it is a job change, a relationship change, or a physical activity change. And since I am sitting in that position currently with re-starting my running regimen, I decided this seems a good time to give a pep-talk which works for my

Slow is a four-letter word.
Life Lessons found in the run. In my life, I am an analyzer and a learner. I am constantly taking in what is being said and done around me. I would like to say I use these moments to grow in who I am learning to become every day. I admit, though, that sometimes the

Race Ambassador and Team USA member
An Olympic Hopeful in the Air Force? Our Tailwind Ambassador Crew is full of adventure and surprise. What may come as a big surprise to most is that one of the members is an Olympic Hopeful and will attempt to qualify again next summer. Senior Airman Michael Mannozzi is a race walker and competes for

Ambassador Spotlight: Megan Mottet I would like to introduce you to Megan Mottet, our next Tailwind’s Ace Crew Ambassador. Megan is the definition of grit and grace. She encourages those around her and finds a fire within herself to dig deep and do more. As of this typing, Megan is ranked in the top 10%

On the move…It’s Expo Season! Race Expo season is really one of my most favorite things. Everyone in the office knows this. Rachael laughs and teases me about it. I have attempted to write this post at least 15 times about how much I love expos and why and the reason I feel like this

About the Ambassadors…CMSgt Joe Newton
Ambassador Spotlight #1 Join me Tuesdays leading up to the Marathon weekend as we get to know our Tailwind Ace Crew Ambassadors! The individuals you will come to know have different reasons for wanting to represent the Air Force Marathon. All filled out questionnaires and agreed to promote the race through social media channels. As

On the move…Follow the STARs pt 1.
The Stars Shine Bright… When a race director first lays plans to have a race, they truly hope the people will come. Questions run through their head much like a runner runs laps racing the 5000M on a track. After the first iteration of the event, a true test of measure is who returns. And

On the move…back in the saddle
Back in the Saddle… Do you exercise for health, for sanity, for goals? When I run, I like to have goals in mind whether it be an upcoming race I am running or a race I am pacing. I used to set timed goals to the point of obsession. At that time in my life,

We are one month into the new year already. The adage of “time flies” is very true. If your schedule is anything like mine, it is often hard to fit everything you want to do into one day. We have work, family, exercise, committees, kids’ activities and our own hobbies. How is it possible to

On the Move…Fairborn and more
Fairborn and Dayton: Traveling to races, whether local or destination, always presents a challenge. Where should you eat before/after? Are there fun activities pre- or post-race? What could you visit on your downtime (instead of resting your legs)? Over the next 8 months, there will be local venues and activities for you to add to

On the move: Adventures with Jill
Introducing me: Hello! I’m Jill! Assistant Race Director by day, mom all the time, and forever on the move. I have two teenagers involved in sports, extracurriculars, music, and everything social. We have a Black Lab who NEVER stops talking. I am a fiercely loyal friend. Something I am not: a life-long runner. That journey

Words to run by…
From the Director’s Desk: Happy New Year! We are two weeks in to our resolutions (if you make them). Personally, I have always been a goal setter-adding, evaluating, revising all year long. Sometimes, I succeed. Other times, I let go. This year we have team goals for the Air Force Marathon, and I have separate

Visualization Techniques Can Lead to Success
Visualization Techniques Can Lead to Success Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC What are visualization techniques? These are mindfulness techniques that help you focus on something specific, such as, your upcoming race or goal you want to achieve. As you visualize begin holding visions and thoughts in your mind, imagining your

A Strong Runners’ Mindset
A Strong Runners’ Mindset Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC Mindset is the driving force in the pursuit for success and achievement. A mindset that combines discipline, strength, confidence, and ambition is a powerful mindset. This can help motivate and drive you in achieving anything your mind sets its sights on.

Listening to your body!
Listening to your body! Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC What does it mean to listen to your body? It means being in tune with how you feel on any given day. This can mean noticing your breathing pattern, feeling fatigue, your mindset, or maybe your legs feel tired. The body

Can Stress Affect A Runner’s Performance?
Can stress affect a runner’s performance? Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC Exercise has been shown to increase your overall health and sense of well-being. It can also help relieve stress and have great benefits. Physical activity, such as, running can help increase your endorphin production, which is our brain’s feel-good

Can sleep deprivation prolong post-run recovery?
Can sleep deprivation prolong post-run recovery? Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC Many people boast about the little sleep they run on each day. For runners, not receiving an adequate amount of sleep, can hinder their post-run recovery. Why is this? During a long run or hard workout, your muscles

Maximize Your Post-Workout Recovery with These Top 10 Foods
Maximize Your Post-Workout Recovery with These Top 10 Foods Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC In the previous Air Force Marathon blog, we discussed how fueling before a long run or race is important in performing and recovering quicker. Fueling your body with carbohydrates prior to exercise will give you the

Benefits of Practicing Yoga for Runners
Benefits of Practicing Yoga for Runners Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC As your training miles begin to increase for your upcoming race, some runners may begin to have some aches and pains. Paying attention and being mindful in what your body needs will help you throughout your training program. Depending

Long Distance Training and Dietary Supplementation
Long Distance Training and Dietary Supplementation Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC Training for a long-distance run is sometimes a running curve. Fueling your body properly is imperative when training for a race and is done through your diet. There are times though that eating real food just isn’t possible or

Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness
Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC Do you ever get sore after you start a new exercise or increase the intensity, resistance, frequency, or duration of your workout or run? If so, you may be experiencing what is called delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) which

Experimental: History & Heritage of the XF-85 Goblin
Experimental Era: History & Heritage of the XF-85 Goblin The XF-85 Goblin, nicknamed Parasite, was made to protect B-36 bombers. These small-framed bombers could easily fly beyond the range of the conventional escorts. The range endurance was 1 hour and 20 minutes. The B-36 would carry the XF-85 in case the enemy fighters came into

Top 10 Success Tips to Help Support Your Training Program Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC As many may be beginning a training program for the Air Force Marathon races, there are a few tips that can help with your progress and success along the way. To begin, creating healthy habits

Vietnam: History & Heritage of the F-4 Phantom II
Vietnam Era: History & Heritage of the F-4 Phantom II The U.S. Navy Fleet first developed the F-4 Phantom II in 1958. It wasn’t until May of 1963 that the U.S. Air Force flew their first version of the Phantom II, an F-4C. By 1979 5,000 Phantom II’s were built for the U.S. Navy Fleet,

Meet the Team: Matthew Crooker Hello everyone! My name is Matthew Crooker and I am the Operations Manager for the Air Force Marathon and the Space Force T-Minus 10-Miler. I started in August 2021, and I am the newest member of this wonderful team! I want to dedicate my career to public service, and there’s

Post-Vietnam Era: The History & Heritage of the F-117 Nighthawk The F-117 Nighthawk is one of the most unique and memorable aircraft to fly in the USAF. Designed as a twin-engine stealth attack aircraft, its design was based purely around evading radar signature and thus was the world’s first operational stealth aircraft. In 1989 Lockheed

Lung Cancer Warrior: Every Race is an Accomplishment Despite starting his running career at age 62, surviving lung cancer, and dealing with the challenge of 2020, Vince Fonner proves that it’s never too late to start and that each race truly is a significant accomplishment. Along with two friends, I completed the 2020 Air Force

Virtual Strides: Running Your Own Race I completed the virtual AF Half-Marathon on 6 September 2020 running 13.1 miles straight down the measured Montour Trail near the Pittsburgh Airport. I parked my car near mile-marker 21 and started at 0742 with two bottles of water in my hands and some Gu Gel to keep me

A Day in the Life: Race Director If you are reading this but have yet to read the other blogs in this series, I would encourage you to first learn what some of the other members of the Air Force Marathon team does first. Those blog posts can be found linked below. Administrator Assistant Director

Pre-WWII: The History & Heritage of the P-26A Peashooter The Peashooter marked both the beginning and end of numerous features in the evolution of fighter aircrafts (in the pre-AF years, fighters had a “P” designation or “pursuit”). It was the first all-metal monoplane and was much faster than older wood planes. However, it was the

8 Years: Hooked on Running My husband used to volunteer for the Air Force Marathon because he worked for Civil Service. When he retired after 4 years in the Air Force and another 37 years on the base, he wanted to try the Half Marathon. I decided to run-walk with him. After 8 years of

Just Breathe: Learning to Run and Never Stopping I started running competitively in 2010. I’d always admired runners but never imagined I’d be one. I started walking at the local track and would look longingly at runners but couldn’t breathe properly whenever I tried. “I’d always admired runners but never imagined I’d be one.” One

Why I Run…Why Not Run It? It’s not about why I run the USAF 5K as much as “why not run it.” I’ve never been the athletic type but always thought that my life as a working mom was keeping me active enough. My brain kept insisting I was healthy and fit in spite of

Stepping Out: Sole Sisters It is 2016 and someone at the young age of 53 decided it was time to get up and get moving so the challenge was made to family and friends and Stepping out Sisters was established. Our goal was to move more so we challenged ourselves to complete a 5K, 10K,

One Step at a Time: Determination through Heartache I was stationed at Wright-Patterson AFB from 1996-2001, working in the Aeronautical Systems Center Public Affairs Office when the U.S. Air Force Marathon was created in honor of the service’s 50th Anniversary. I proudly worked and supported the first four marathons before I PCSed. In 2000, our

The Dog Days of Summer
The Dog Days of Summer A few years ago while waiting around in a foyer before an appointment, I happened to notice one of those trite ‘motivational posters’ that are far more worthy of an eye-roll than they are motivational, except this one was actually pretty powerful in my opinion. “Your mind will quit 1000

Always A Runner
Always A Runner I started running when I was 12 years old and in the 7th grade. My first run ever I got lost in a cornfield, chased by a dog and cried the entire way back to where practice started. For some reason, I thought, “YES!!! Let’s do this for another 10 years!!!!” I

Racing Is Not Cancelled It is April 18th, 2020 and I am standing at the start line of the Yellow Springs High School track. Aside from my wife who is doing a 10K in the outer lanes, I am alone. I’ve already done a 2-mile warm up, I’m in my racing kit with my racing