Running to Remember: Seeking to Find Meaning in Sacrifice It was the fall of 2007 and I was a freshman at the Air Force Academy in cadet squadron 20, the Tough Twenty Trolls! One of the seniors in my squadron was a tall slender young man, he had a “runners build” if you will. He

5 Reasons to Run, Even When No One Is Watching I used to hate running. And I mean I really, truly, unequivocally despised it. As a kid, I remember being excited to run with my older brother in a local Fourth of July fun run in Oregon only to trip and scrape my hands and

A Gold Star Mom “Jogs” Her Memory Most people do not understand at all why a person would want to run 26.2 miles. Even fewer understand running more than one marathon. My son, Joel, was one of the few people in my circle who truly understood why I would run—at this point—over 25 marathons. Perhaps