Maximize Your Post-Workout Recovery with These Top 10 Foods
Written by USAF Marathon
Tagged As 75th Air Force anniversary, 75th anniversary, air force, air force marathon races, air force marathon sponsor, avocado toast, calcium, food, full marathon, half marathon, history and heritage, history and heritage race series, iron, marathon, marathons, outmeal, post-workout, running, smoothies, Space Force T-Minus 10-Miler, SponsorSpotlight, training, walkers, workout, wright-patterson, yogurt
Maximize Your Post-Workout Recovery with These Top 10 Foods Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC In the previous Air Force Marathon blog, we discussed how fueling before a long run or race is important in performing and recovering quicker. Fueling your body with carbohydrates prior to exercise will give you the

Meet the Team: Matthew Crooker Hello everyone! My name is Matthew Crooker and I am the Operations Manager for the Air Force Marathon and the Space Force T-Minus 10-Miler. I started in August 2021, and I am the newest member of this wonderful team! I want to dedicate my career to public service, and there’s