We are one month into the new year already. The adage of “time flies” is very true. If your schedule is anything like mine, it is often hard to fit everything you want to do into one day. We have work, family, exercise, committees, kids’ activities and our own hobbies. How is it possible to

On the Move…Fairborn and more
Fairborn and Dayton: Traveling to races, whether local or destination, always presents a challenge. Where should you eat before/after? Are there fun activities pre- or post-race? What could you visit on your downtime (instead of resting your legs)? Over the next 8 months, there will be local venues and activities for you to add to

On the move: Adventures with Jill
Introducing me: Hello! I’m Jill! Assistant Race Director by day, mom all the time, and forever on the move. I have two teenagers involved in sports, extracurriculars, music, and everything social. We have a Black Lab who NEVER stops talking. I am a fiercely loyal friend. Something I am not: a life-long runner. That journey

Words to run by…
From the Director’s Desk: Happy New Year! We are two weeks in to our resolutions (if you make them). Personally, I have always been a goal setter-adding, evaluating, revising all year long. Sometimes, I succeed. Other times, I let go. This year we have team goals for the Air Force Marathon, and I have separate

Benefits of Practicing Yoga for Runners
Benefits of Practicing Yoga for Runners Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC As your training miles begin to increase for your upcoming race, some runners may begin to have some aches and pains. Paying attention and being mindful in what your body needs will help you throughout your training program. Depending

Experimental: History & Heritage of the XF-85 Goblin
Experimental Era: History & Heritage of the XF-85 Goblin The XF-85 Goblin, nicknamed Parasite, was made to protect B-36 bombers. These small-framed bombers could easily fly beyond the range of the conventional escorts. The range endurance was 1 hour and 20 minutes. The B-36 would carry the XF-85 in case the enemy fighters came into

Virtual Strides: Running Your Own Race I completed the virtual AF Half-Marathon on 6 September 2020 running 13.1 miles straight down the measured Montour Trail near the Pittsburgh Airport. I parked my car near mile-marker 21 and started at 0742 with two bottles of water in my hands and some Gu Gel to keep me

Stepping Out: Sole Sisters It is 2016 and someone at the young age of 53 decided it was time to get up and get moving so the challenge was made to family and friends and Stepping out Sisters was established. Our goal was to move more so we challenged ourselves to complete a 5K, 10K,

The Dog Days of Summer
The Dog Days of Summer A few years ago while waiting around in a foyer before an appointment, I happened to notice one of those trite ‘motivational posters’ that are far more worthy of an eye-roll than they are motivational, except this one was actually pretty powerful in my opinion. “Your mind will quit 1000

Always A Runner
Always A Runner I started running when I was 12 years old and in the 7th grade. My first run ever I got lost in a cornfield, chased by a dog and cried the entire way back to where practice started. For some reason, I thought, “YES!!! Let’s do this for another 10 years!!!!” I