On the Move…Fairborn and more
Fairborn and Dayton: Traveling to races, whether local or destination, always presents a challenge. Where should you eat before/after? Are there fun activities pre- or post-race? What could you visit on your downtime (instead of resting your legs)? Over the next 8 months, there will be local venues and activities for you to add to

Lung Cancer Warrior: Every Race is an Accomplishment Despite starting his running career at age 62, surviving lung cancer, and dealing with the challenge of 2020, Vince Fonner proves that it’s never too late to start and that each race truly is a significant accomplishment. Along with two friends, I completed the 2020 Air Force

Virtual Strides: Running Your Own Race I completed the virtual AF Half-Marathon on 6 September 2020 running 13.1 miles straight down the measured Montour Trail near the Pittsburgh Airport. I parked my car near mile-marker 21 and started at 0742 with two bottles of water in my hands and some Gu Gel to keep me

Dayton Strong: A Passion for Running, Ohio, and AFM’s very own, Brandon Hough
Dayton Strong: A Passion for Running, Ohio, and AFM’s very own, Brandon Hough I love telling this story because I think of the world of USAF Race Director, Brandon Hough. I was born in Dayton, Ohio and at age 11, we all moved to Florida. I lived in Florida until I joined the Air Force

Just Breathe: Learning to Run and Never Stopping I started running competitively in 2010. I’d always admired runners but never imagined I’d be one. I started walking at the local track and would look longingly at runners but couldn’t breathe properly whenever I tried. “I’d always admired runners but never imagined I’d be one.” One

A Day in the Life: Assistant Race Director “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” – Colin Powell I first wrote this blog in a way which described the role of the Air Force Marathon Assistant Director (AD), but decided to scrap that and start over. I wanted

A Day in the Life: Events Manager I have had the privilege of working a few roles within the Air Force Marathon office over my time here in 6 years. Each role has taught me more about the success of the event and how every detail matters. I spent a year and a half in

Why I Run…Why Not Run It? It’s not about why I run the USAF 5K as much as “why not run it.” I’ve never been the athletic type but always thought that my life as a working mom was keeping me active enough. My brain kept insisting I was healthy and fit in spite of

Stepping Out: Sole Sisters It is 2016 and someone at the young age of 53 decided it was time to get up and get moving so the challenge was made to family and friends and Stepping out Sisters was established. Our goal was to move more so we challenged ourselves to complete a 5K, 10K,

Director U.S. Air Force Marathon 88 MSG/AFM 5030 Pearson Rd, Bldg 219, Room 106 WPAFB, Ohio 45433 July 4, 2020 Hello, I’ve run your race a number of times, once the full and I believe three times the half. At 71 I’ve decided to experience different venues, but I would love to return to Dayton.

One Step at a Time: Determination through Heartache I was stationed at Wright-Patterson AFB from 1996-2001, working in the Aeronautical Systems Center Public Affairs Office when the U.S. Air Force Marathon was created in honor of the service’s 50th Anniversary. I proudly worked and supported the first four marathons before I PCSed. In 2000, our

Running to Remember: Seeking to Find Meaning in Sacrifice It was the fall of 2007 and I was a freshman at the Air Force Academy in cadet squadron 20, the Tough Twenty Trolls! One of the seniors in my squadron was a tall slender young man, he had a “runners build” if you will. He

Why I Run I have not always been a runner. In fact, growing up I was the musician in my family where my 3 siblings were the athletes in cross country, track and football. I never minded that because we are all unique and made in different ways. One year, knowing my siblings had been

Racing Is Not Cancelled It is April 18th, 2020 and I am standing at the start line of the Yellow Springs High School track. Aside from my wife who is doing a 10K in the outer lanes, I am alone. I’ve already done a 2-mile warm up, I’m in my racing kit with my racing