From the Director’s Desk…The Tortoise and the Hare
The age-old story of the Tortoise and the Hare… By now you have most likely heard the story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare is confident of winning the race, so he stops, rests, and does silly things along the way. At the same time, the tortoise is slow and steady. The hare

On the move…back in the saddle
Back in the Saddle… Do you exercise for health, for sanity, for goals? When I run, I like to have goals in mind whether it be an upcoming race I am running or a race I am pacing. I used to set timed goals to the point of obsession. At that time in my life,

We are one month into the new year already. The adage of “time flies” is very true. If your schedule is anything like mine, it is often hard to fit everything you want to do into one day. We have work, family, exercise, committees, kids’ activities and our own hobbies. How is it possible to

Words to run by…
From the Director’s Desk: Happy New Year! We are two weeks in to our resolutions (if you make them). Personally, I have always been a goal setter-adding, evaluating, revising all year long. Sometimes, I succeed. Other times, I let go. This year we have team goals for the Air Force Marathon, and I have separate

Just Breathe: Learning to Run and Never Stopping I started running competitively in 2010. I’d always admired runners but never imagined I’d be one. I started walking at the local track and would look longingly at runners but couldn’t breathe properly whenever I tried. “I’d always admired runners but never imagined I’d be one.” One

One Step at a Time: Determination through Heartache I was stationed at Wright-Patterson AFB from 1996-2001, working in the Aeronautical Systems Center Public Affairs Office when the U.S. Air Force Marathon was created in honor of the service’s 50th Anniversary. I proudly worked and supported the first four marathons before I PCSed. In 2000, our

Racing Is Not Cancelled It is April 18th, 2020 and I am standing at the start line of the Yellow Springs High School track. Aside from my wife who is doing a 10K in the outer lanes, I am alone. I’ve already done a 2-mile warm up, I’m in my racing kit with my racing