Running down a dream (Tom Petty) It’s May!!! All of the spring races are happening, and it is amazing! I ran amuck last weekend (photos below with my cousin Chris at the Indy Mini and my pace partner Jennifer at the Flying Pig) and truly found my joy again. Seeing everyone else hitting their stride,

“Learn to Fly”- Foo Fighters This may be the most appropriate song title I ever use for this blog. Foo Fighters are getting a lot of talk in our office-mostly by me. I recently listened to Dave Grohl’s book: The Storyteller. If you have not listened to it yet, download it as fast as possible.

Get the party started! Hello Friends! Happy Wednesday. This week’s song choice is from my favorite artist, P!nk. She exemplifies hard work and celebration, just as you do with training. We absolutely need to get this party started! RACE SEASON IS HERE. And…my beloved Purdue Boilermakers #boilerball are playing basketball this weekend, so I am

About the Ambassadors…CMSgt Joe Newton
Ambassador Spotlight #1 Join me Tuesdays leading up to the Marathon weekend as we get to know our Tailwind Ace Crew Ambassadors! The individuals you will come to know have different reasons for wanting to represent the Air Force Marathon. All filled out questionnaires and agreed to promote the race through social media channels. As

From the Director’s Desk…The Tortoise and the Hare
The age-old story of the Tortoise and the Hare… By now you have most likely heard the story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare is confident of winning the race, so he stops, rests, and does silly things along the way. At the same time, the tortoise is slow and steady. The hare

On the move…Follow the STARs pt 1.
The Stars Shine Bright… When a race director first lays plans to have a race, they truly hope the people will come. Questions run through their head much like a runner runs laps racing the 5000M on a track. After the first iteration of the event, a true test of measure is who returns. And

On the move…around Dayton
On the move…traversing Dayton Being able to travel around Dayton and find new places for all of us to venture is truly an amazing job perk. Meeting the people who run the establishments is even more fun. This week, we’re on the move in a few must visit areas of Dayton. Carillon Historic District If

Visualization Techniques Can Lead to Success
Visualization Techniques Can Lead to Success Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC What are visualization techniques? These are mindfulness techniques that help you focus on something specific, such as, your upcoming race or goal you want to achieve. As you visualize begin holding visions and thoughts in your mind, imagining your

Experimental: History & Heritage of the XF-85 Goblin
Experimental Era: History & Heritage of the XF-85 Goblin The XF-85 Goblin, nicknamed Parasite, was made to protect B-36 bombers. These small-framed bombers could easily fly beyond the range of the conventional escorts. The range endurance was 1 hour and 20 minutes. The B-36 would carry the XF-85 in case the enemy fighters came into

Vietnam: History & Heritage of the F-4 Phantom II
Vietnam Era: History & Heritage of the F-4 Phantom II The U.S. Navy Fleet first developed the F-4 Phantom II in 1958. It wasn’t until May of 1963 that the U.S. Air Force flew their first version of the Phantom II, an F-4C. By 1979 5,000 Phantom II’s were built for the U.S. Navy Fleet,

Post-Vietnam: History & Heritage of the MH-53 Pave Low
Post-Vietnam: History & Heritage of the MH-53 Pave Low The Pave Low is an all-weather platform capable of operating during in a contested environment. The MH-53 Pave Low was a long-range aircraft with low-level emissions to assist with special operation forces. The MH-53 started off as a HH-53 named, “Super Jolly Green Giant”, which was

Pre-WWII: History & Heritage of the J-3 Cub The Piper J-3 Cub is a symbol of the contributions of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) to the United States Air Force. The J-3 was used by these CAP members to hunt enemy submarines, report damaged ships, tow aerial targets, and deliver integral war materials. The aircraft

Experimental: History & Heritage of the North American XB-70 Valkyrie The XB-70 Valkyrie started as a prototype for the B-70, a high-altitude, nuclear strike bomber. The Valkyrie had six engines that allowed the aircraft to fly at Mach 3+, which is three times the speed of sound. No such enemy could defend against a bomber

WWII: History & Heritage of the B-17F Flying Fortress The Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress was a versatile plane used first in WWII. This highflying, fast plane with a respectable range was fully equipped for war. The bomber was so beloved that it quickly became the 2nd most manufactured bomber in history. Europe took extra liking

Post-Vietnam Era: The History & Heritage of the F-117 Nighthawk The F-117 Nighthawk is one of the most unique and memorable aircraft to fly in the USAF. Designed as a twin-engine stealth attack aircraft, its design was based purely around evading radar signature and thus was the world’s first operational stealth aircraft. In 1989 Lockheed