Recovery After Your Race
Written by USAF Marathon
Tagged As 10k, 5k, 75th Air Force anniversary, air force, air force marathon, air force marathon races, air force marathon sponsor, full marathon, gentle yoga, half marathon, hatha yoga, Michelle Daniel, post-race recovery, run virtual, SponsorSpotlight, The Lifestyle Technique LLC, thelifestyletechniquellc, virtual event, virtual races, Yoga
Recovery After Your Race Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC Congratulations on completing your race. You did it. All the training and hard work paid off and I hope you are proud of your accomplishment. As a general rule of thumb, it is suggested to take one day of rest per

Top 10 Success Tips to Help Support Your Training Program Written by Michelle Daniel, owner of The Lifestyle Technique, LLC As many may be beginning a training program for the Air Force Marathon races, there are a few tips that can help with your progress and success along the way. To begin, creating healthy habits