Slow is a four-letter word.
Written by USAF Marathon
Tagged As #ilovetorun, #knoxvillemarathon, #slowandsteady, 10k, 5k, @beaver, FlyAFM, racing, runcincinnati, runcolumbus, rundayton, training
Life Lessons found in the run. In my life, I am an analyzer and a learner. I am constantly taking in what is being said and done around me. I would like to say I use these moments to grow in who I am learning to become every day. I admit, though, that sometimes the

On the move…It’s Expo Season! Race Expo season is really one of my most favorite things. Everyone in the office knows this. Rachael laughs and teases me about it. I have attempted to write this post at least 15 times about how much I love expos and why and the reason I feel like this