Page - FAQs
General Questions
Race start times are as follows:
Friday Race Start Times
Saturday Race Start Times
If you are unable to attend the Expo yourself, you must make arrangements for a representative to pick up your bib for you. You must fill out and sign the Bib Pick-Up Authorization Form, and your representative must present the completed form, a copy of your photo ID (can be a hard or digital copy), and their own photo ID (hard copies). Representatives who do not have these three things will not be able to pick up your bib, no exceptions.
For Saturday events, there is free, on-site parking approximately 1 mile from the start line at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force.
See our parking page for more details.
For Saturday events, participants who wish to take the shuttle may be dropped off and picked up at the Wright State University Nutter Center, where the shuttle will take them directly to and from the start line at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force (shuttles are for registered participants only). Participants must be in line for the shuttles at the Wright State University Nutter Center by 5:00 a.m. The last shuttle departs at 5:30 a.m.
All parking gates at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force will be entry-only until 7:30 a.m. Anyone wishing to drop off a participant at the museum must stay until 7:30 a.m. or later. Anyone picking up a participant may enter through the main museum gate on Springfield Street after 8:00 a.m.
See the Directions, Parking, & Shuttles page for more details.
Course Time Limits:
Marathon participants must maintain a 16 minute mile pace and reach Mile 21 (Gate 15A) by 1:05pm or they will be escorted off the course and will not receive a finisher's medal.
Registration Questions
All participants are required to pick up their runner's bib, T-shirt, and goodie bag at the Health & Fitness Expo.
Course Questions
10K: The 10K course has a time limit of 3 hours and 30 minutes.
5K: The 5K course has a time limit of 90 minutes.
All time limits are based on chip time.
Military Questions
In accordance with Joint Travel Regulations, DoD guidance and AF Instructions, civilians cannot be granted permissive TDY to participate in the Air Force Marathon. For more information please contact HQ AFMC/A1SXA at (937) 257-4803, (937) 257-4803 or DSN 787-4803.
(This publication addresses leave, passes, and permissive temporary duty (PTDY) for military members. It applies to active duty personnel, including United States Air Force Reserve (USAFR) on active duty. It also applies to Air National Guard (ANG) members serving on active duty in Guard or Reserve status under the provisions of Titles 10 or 32 United States Code (U.S.C.) for 30 or more consecutive days. It implements Air Force Policy Directive 36-30, Military Entitlements, and DoD Directive 1327.5, Leave and Liberty, September 24, 1985, with changes 1-4).
Volunteer Questions
Don’t see your questions here?
Contact us at or 937-257-4350 to learn more!
Related Pages:
Directions, Parking & Shuttle
Race Rules & Safety
Health & Fitness Expo