We Are the Champions

We are the Champions…

This is one of the most recognizable songs in the world, and rightfully so. With the Olympics happening and the marathon just over 7 weeks away, it seemed appropriate to use today.

So much has happened since last we talked. The Air Force has a new national partner with Girls on the Run! If you do not know about this organization, please investigate and learn how they encourage and uplift younger girls who will grow up to be leaders and lifelong (hopefully) runners. The Dayton chapter will have a booth at our expo and a cheer station in Fairborn for the Fairborn Fly Zone.

The race is getting close!

Let’s revisit that the race is in SEVEN WEEKS! Can you believe we’re already here? How is your training coming along? Marathoners, are you starving all the time? While this may not work for everyone or be your preference, hummus and cucumbers/carrots was my saving grace when the ‘I’m starving again’ feelings took over. A coworker told me to add horseradish to the hummus. Total gamechanger. Also super strange. If you give this a try, let me know your thoughts.

What’s your hype song?

If you’ve noticed, songs have been the dominant theme of the blog all season. And now begins the time the team starts to choose songs to play at the warm up and start of the races. What family friendly (yes, it must be family friendly) song or songs would you like to hear? What songs do you wish were no longer played at start lines? (I have a list). Drop me an email and let me know. I have a few weeks before I must turn in the final list.

New York…it’s what dreams are made of!

All right friends, check in. Our team is excited to see you soon and I’m ready to catch up on your training, what’s bugging you right now, and if your goals are still in focus.

This past weekend I was in NYC. On Saturday morning, we chose to go for a run in Central Park. The volume of runners out at 0900 using the outer path looked as if there were a race taking place. After we returned to the hotel, we checked the New York Road Runners page and there was nothing scheduled. Only group runs. It was beautiful and insane at the same time. Also, if you’re in the city and have the chance, map out your run ahead of time and venture off that running path. Our run took us to the Literary Walk seen in so many movies, the Bow Bridge, and Belvedere Castle. (photos below).

If you’re one of our High School or College Aged Athletes, happy first official day of practice!

You ARE the Champions…
