Blog - On the Move…24 days and counting!
24 days and counting!
If you’ve been following along since January, you are probably aware race weekend is rapidly approaching. As of the writing of this post, we are 24 days out! This is the time when ALL the cliches come into play and fit perfectly.
Rounding third and headed for home…
Before I began this role, I worked in downtown Cincinnati and would see the phrase ‘Rounding third and headed for home…’ on the side of Great American Ballpark every day. The phrase was coined by Joe Nuxhall, ‘the old left hander’ years ago and is now enshrined at the park. The marathon weekend feels as if the staff is up to bat, we’ve just swung for the fences, and we’re about to head home on an incredible home run hit!

(3rd base at Great American Ballpark, 2018; Green means GO! at 101st Running of Indy 500; Checkered Finish at 101st Running Indy 500)
Fast Cars.
If baseball isn’t your cup of tea, perhaps you’re a race car kind of person. I’m from Indianapolis. I grew up 15 minutes from the 500 track. I LOVE watching the Indy 500 and following several of the drivers on social. They’re hilarious! (I’m looking at you, Conor Daly and Graham Rahal. Indy and Ohio gents representing on a world stage.) Their need for speed at over 200mph relates to how our office feels right now: ensuring all the finite details are in place to make the weekend P1 on the podium. It is time for ‘the rubber to meet the road’ and we’re revving our engines anticipating your arrival.
Are you ready?
The question now is what are YOU getting ready to do to see US?! Was last weekend your final long run or is that this comin
g weekend? Are you still in race mode like one of our Ambassadors? She ran a half marathon last weekend, has an ultra this weekend AND a full marathon the weekend following before the Air Force Marathon. (GO AMANADA PREBLE!) Are you ready for taper town? Have you warned family and friends and all social about your upcoming taper? If this is your first big race and you’re unfamiliar with said taper…the hunger you’re feeling, the bundled nerves because you’re running fewer miles, the slight irritability is all because of taper. It’s normal, although you may not FEEL normal. You’re ready. Your body is ready. Your mind knows that a big assignment is ahead and you’re going to crush it.
Let’s Go!
24 days until the start of the 10k/half/full races. 22 days until Expo opens and gets us going. Rachael, Jasmine, Chris, Lisa, Lyndsey, Thom, Julianna, and I are so excited to see you. You are the reason we work 13 months ahead to bring you the best race possible. The members of the United States Air Force and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base are preparing to welcome you to YOUR Marathon.
It’s almost GO TIME. Are you ready?
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