Blog - A Day in the Life: Volunteer Coordinator
A Day in the Life … of the Air Force Marathon Volunteer Coordinator

My name is Rachel Nipper and I am the Volunteer Coordinator for the Air Force Marathon. I joined the team in November 2019 with previous experience working in volunteer services at a nonprofit. Although I am relatively new to the running industry, the Air Force Marathon team has jumped right in and begun teaching me what it takes to produce a high-quality, large-scale running event. I am excited to give you a peek behind-the-scenes and show you what it really means to be a volunteer coordinator at the Air Force Marathon!
So, what does a volunteer coordinator do?
Being a volunteer coordinator can be likened to being a combination of a personnel, project, communications, and community partnership manager. Volunteer coordinators often act like personnel managers as we are responsible for all aspects of managing, recruiting, training, and retaining individuals. In addition, volunteer coordinators serve as project managers as we develop and manage volunteer-specific projects to enhance the overall experience. We are communication managers as we create both the internal written resources and external communications for all volunteers. The final piece is that of a community partnership manager as we can be responsible for reaching out and making connections with local organizations, businesses, and nonprofits to further our involvement with the community.
“Being a volunteer coordinator can be likened to being a combination of a personnel, project, communications, and community partnership manager.”
So, what does that actually look like for the Air Force Marathon? Below, I will explore each of these different volunteer coordinator pieces and dive deeper into how they are applied at the Air Force Marathon.
Personnel Manager

Like personnel or HR managers, volunteer coordinators primarily work with people and help interpret their needs, wants, and desires. At the Air Force Marathon, this means creating varied opportunities and helping match individuals or organizations with a position that meets their needs. Volunteer coordinators are also responsible for the recruitment of new volunteers and the continued training of existing volunteers. Recruiting volunteers can be more difficult than recruiting for paid positions as volunteers receive intrinsic rewards for their work instead of monetary rewards. The most effective method for volunteer recruitment at the Air Force Marathon is word-of-mouth. If volunteers have a positive experience and are excited about their volunteer work, they are more likely to share our mission with friends, family, and neighbors. Thus, it all comes back around to making sure our volunteers are heard and their needs are met to ensure they have the best experience possible.
Another important aspect of creating a positive experience for volunteers is providing new learning opportunities, updated trainings, and ensuring volunteers have the right tools for their position. It is important to update volunteers on new changes and provide straightforward communications so our volunteers have clear expectations. While volunteer opportunities tend to stay the same year after year at the Air Force Marathon, we make it a priority to constantly re-evaluate volunteer needs, update old information, and create new opportunities when possible to engage our volunteers.
“Thus, it all comes back around to making sure our volunteers are heard and their needs are met to ensure they have the best experience possible.”
Project Manager
As a project manager, volunteer coordinators serve as the designated point of contact for the logistics of volunteer management. This includes continuously communicating with other staff members to re-assess the exact needs for volunteers in each area of the event. This coordination is essential so the Air Force Marathon is properly manned while also ensuring volunteers are effectively utilized. In addition, the planning of outside meetings, trainings, and post-event celebrations must be organized with partnering agencies. Another important piece is the management of volunteer software. Volunteer management software is arguably one of the most important tools for any volunteer coordinator as the software serves as a database, registration platform, and as an organization tool for event day. Just as volunteer needs have to be re-assessed continuously, this software must be updated as changes are made and set-up before volunteer registration opens (usually 3-4 months prior to event day).
Communications Manager

While the Air Force Marathon has a full-time marketing coordinator, the daily, weekly, and monthly communications to volunteers are the responsibility of the volunteer coordinator. The largest portion of communication takes place through direct contact with individual volunteers or through other external communications, such as e-mail newsletters. Our volunteers are encouraged and always welcome to reach out directly if they ever have any questions, concerns, or feedback. In addition to outward facing communications, volunteer coordinators are responsible for providing the internal framework and structure for the volunteer program. At the Air Force Marathon this includes creating internal communications in the form of written resources such as volunteer position descriptions, instructions sheets, handbooks, and other necessary resources for staff.
Community Partnership Manager
Not all volunteer coordinators serve as a liaison for community partnerships but that is the case for the Air Force Marathon. The Air Force Marathon makes it a priority to support our local community and it is essential that we create strong partnerships to better the overall community. A large part of this is achieved through our Charity Partner program. Our Charity Partner program is an opportunity for local nonprofits to use our event as a fundraiser for their cause. The Air Force Marathon recognizes the important work that nonprofits do in the local community and we provide a platform to help connect new individuals to these nonprofits. In addition, we also encourage businesses and organizations to become involved through our Corporate Running program. We want to encourage our local community to be as healthy as possible and our Corporate Running program provides the framework for employers to promote wellness, increase morale, and encourage stronger relationships amongst their employees.
“The Air Force Marathon makes it a priority to support our local community and it is essential that we create strong partnerships to better the overall community.”
And so much more!
I know I only gave you a small peek behind-the-curtain but I want to thank you for taking the time to learn more about what it means to be a volunteer coordinator. One of the things I love most about this position is that it is truly a dynamic role and every day brings something new to the mix. At the Air Force Marathon, we strive to provide the best experience to all of our volunteers and please feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions, concerns, or feedback. It truly takes a village to put on this large event and we could not do it without our amazing Flight Crew!
“It truly takes a village to put on this large event and we could not do it without our amazing Flight Crew!”
-Rachel Nipper, Volunteer Coordinator
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