Blog - Start All Over Differently
Start All Over Differently
“Sometimes, you just have to start all over differently.” – Bernard Kelvin Clive
These times we face right now in the midst of COVID-19 provide challenges for each person in different ways. As a whole, you have all found unique ways to maneuver these days. Some of you have taken up new hobbies, others have tackled home projects that have been on a to-do list for months, and many have made savored memories with loved ones which otherwise would not have happened.
In terms of the running world, we’ve watched races manage the effects in different ways with postponements to cancellations to stepping up the virtual game. In essence, through all this, we have learned how to start all over differently.
“In essence, through all this, we have learned how to start all over differently.”
Here at the Air Force Marathon, we have used this time to revamp our website, began thinking outside the box in other aspects, and, as you read this, you can see we are re-launching our blog. We want to interact with you in new ways, because changing times means shifting ways we do life. Change is hard for most of us, and this season has forced society to face changing ways of life. That can be hard, but the rainbow appears in the midst of the storm. We hope this re-launch of our blog will encourage you and challenge you that it’s okay to start all over differently.
We are all in different places, learn differently, exercise differently, think differently. Yet, we all have ways we can contribute to one another and help along the way. We run different distances. We run at different paces. We strength train in different ways – weight rooms, TRX, yoga, and other methods. This doesn’t make one runner more important than another. We are all different people.

However, we can get caught in ruts at time, causing us to have to “reboot” and start all over differently. The body gets used to one pace, so it needs pushed through hill training or speed workouts around a track. The muscles don’t feel sore, so more weight needs added or attempting a new way to build muscle is necessary. As we all face these changing times, let’s encourage one another in the journey along the way.
“As we all face these changing times, let’s encourage one another in the journey along the way.”
The running industry is facing this time uniquely as well. For the first time ever, Boston Marathon offered refunds and changed the date of their event. Races have gone virtual and runners have found validity in participating, without physically being there. The virtual world of communications has expanded, bonds have been made through stories of overcoming challenges and creating PR’s when no fans were there to cheer or water stations to help hydrate. We are learning about how to start all over differently, even if it may be temporary.
Today, as we all face COVID-19 together, let’s search for the positives in all of this. At the Air Force Marathon, we’ve been restructuring our team and working behind the scenes by continuing to plan our event. In blogs to come, you’ll hear from the team about what each team member does and how each unique trait brings beauty to the execution of the Air Force Marathon. You can find each person’s bio on our website so you can put faces with the pieces of the event you are experiencing. We are excited to bring you more readable tips on running, strength training, rest days, events and our staff perspectives.
We are all in this together. Inevitably, an event like this, forces us all to look inward and think about new steps forward, whatever that might be. For many, it truly does become a time to start all over differently. Life will resume in time, but what that “new normal” looks like will be different. Recognize we are all in different places and respect that, even encourage through it. Readily accept a new beginning, in even the smallest of ways. As Bernard Kelvin Clive said, “Sometimes, you just have to start all over differently.”
“Sometimes, you just have to start all over differently.”
Comment below with how you plan to start all over differently and share this blog post with your friends and family. Use this time to your advantage and well-being, and encourage each person around you to embrace the new.
Written by: Rachael McKinney, Assistant Director
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